dear boy:
i'm really feeling like i'm flying under your radar lately. we don't see each other (for obvious reasons), we rarely talk...i just feel like i'm not a priority in your life. you make time to do all of the other things that you need/want to do every day, so while i understand that you fall asleep very early, i don't feel like that's an explanation for why you don't call me in the evenings when you say you're going to. and yes, i know it's march madness, and you're obsessed, but you know what? i don't care. it's just not a good enough reason. here's how it generally goes: we speak for maybe three minutes at some point during the day (sometimes...lately, not even that). you tell me you'll call me back when you get out of work. you don't call. and i don't even think you've noticed that i've stopped calling you almost altogether. i know we don't always have a lot to say to each other...the day-to-day stuff can be pretty monotonous. but lately i feel like i'm your girlfriend in a parallel universe somewhere, someone you refer to but don't really think about all that often. i feel taken for granted. and you have no you, phone calls are for when you have something in particular to say, and otherwise you have no use for them. but phone calls are all we have, and lately it's not uncommon at all for us to go a whole day without speaking once. just because we can't see each other doesn't mean our relationship shouldn't be a priority, especially when i'm moving out there soon. which, by the way...can we jump on the finding-somewhere-to-live wagon please? SOON?
i left him a voicemail earlier asking him to please call me back because i need to talk to him. it's looking like i'm not going to hear from him tonight, though. which sucks, because then it has to wait until tomorrow night, and i have plans tomorrow night. ugh. long distance sucks. and this isn't going to be a fun conversation.