i am most certainly not out of my mind. he's amazing, and i'm flat out crazy about him. i flew out to see him last week, and had an amazing time. i have never felt this way. ever. he's coming here to see me in 9 days...we've decided that for the next year and a half, we'll see as much of each other as humanly possible; after that, well, we cross that bridge when we get there. though he has expressed to me that he'd be willing to come back here. he makes me happy. he makes me feel secure. he's on the other side of the country, he has a ton of female friends, he likes to go out...and i'm not worried/concerned in the slightest. i trust him. i know he loves me. that's all i need. for once, that's all i need.
i am so simply, fantastically happy that words can not begin to express the half of it.